Friday, February 27, 2009

She's Home!

We brought her home yesterday afternoon and things are going well. Thank you everyone for all your support!


dcpeg said...


Bluebird said...

Oh sweetie, I couldn't be happier for you! What wonderful news! Will be thinking of you all as you settle in to your new routine. Update us when you can!!!

Mo said...

FANTASTIC!!! Welcome home, little one!


Mijke said...

Oh wow!!!! That is so super super super fantastic!!

Welcome home, beautiful little miracle girl!

Hug each other, get to know each other, love each other, enjoy! Time flies by soooo fast, before you know it she'll be all grown up...

Brenna said...

Yaaaaaay! Oh, I'm so so happy to hear this news. Welcome home Lexie!

sara said...

Yay! I love hearing this!

Fat Chick said...

Yippee! Congrats!


m said...

Excellent news! Congrats to you all.

Beautiful Mess said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Welcome home to ALL of you!

Hilary said...

Yeah how exciting!!! :)

Mary said...

Wonderful! You guys must be beside yourself. I'm so thrilled for you.

Mazzy said...


caramama said...

Woo hoooo! I'm so thrilled for you guys! Welcome home, Lexie!

areyoukiddingme said...

I hope you had a wonderful weekend...congratulations on bringing your darling girl home! I hope she sleeps plenty, eats a lot, and doesn't have any blow-outs!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for all of you!


Anonymous said...

Congratulatins! I know that you are happy. NICU time is really hard!

KH99 said...

Congrats on having Lexie home for a few weeks now! How is everything going?